Day D-1 of the very first Sehatra ba-gasy France concert. Only a few hours left and the diaspora will meet at Lapa Event for a sold-out show
There are 35 members putting together the first Sehatra ba-gasy France concert. A cultural and supportive association, one year old and whose mission is the preservation and promotion of ba-gasy. For this first appearance at the Lapa Event, 8 Rue des Cerisiers 91090 Lisses, everything is ready. 27 songs will make up the repertoire, meaning at least 3 hours of show will await the public. “Arahaba tokoa”, “Dom-baravarana”, “Divaorsa”, “Fihavanana malagasy”, “Avia isika hifamela”, “Inona moa no hifandrafirafiana”… so many titles and more will decline the “fihavanana”, the quintessential theme of the concert , in all its aspects. As a duo, trio or choir, so many versions to discover to breathe new life into the works of great composers such as Therack, Sylvestre Randafison, Etienne Ramboatiana, Naka Rabemanantsoa, Jean Gabin Fanovona, Rakoto Frah…
Please note that the Sehatra ba-gasy France association was born from a discussion between great enthusiasts and big names in ba-gasy. As a result, James Rasoamahenina created the association as founder and took the role of secretary general, with Bodo Ramiandrasoa as president and Rolland Andrianasolo as vice-president. Other musicians joined the association including Rolland Andrianasolo and Harilala Razafindranaivo. The latter is a poly-instrumentalist organist out of the mold of Etienne Ramboatiana known as Bouboule.
According to James Rasomahenina, young people from the diaspora are particularly interested in the association’s causes and are making their contribution. Indeed, Sehatra ba-gasy France is expanding its activities to research on ba-gasy and the promotion of this musical heritage. The idea is to consolidate knowledge on the subject and transmit it across a broad spectrum through training, conferences and exhibitions. Obviously, concerts and shows will be required in order to broadcast the musical pieces.
Furthermore, it is important to note that the pieces performed at the concert have obtained the approval of the descendants of each author and composer concerned. Still with this in mind, James Rasoamahenina mentioned “ we want to encourage the public to consume the works as they should. We owe Malagasy musical wealth to talented authors and composers and no artist deserves to die poor while their masterpieces are the subject of a considerable source of income. It is sad that composers and authors are not appreciated for their true value and do not reap the rewards of their hard work. As a result, the concert is declared to Sacem and follows European standards and everything that implies. »
Zo Toniaina