Apart from the pieces of love that resonate on the Grande-Île, words repeat themselves in the texts according to the circumstances experienced by the inhabitants of different regions.
In the south, water and the dahalo phenomenon
Since blue gold is rare in this region, the singers cry for aid for the competent authority to find a lasting solution. The songs Mila Ranowhich literally means Need waterare included every year in the refrains of griots and itinerant poets of the region, especially in Androy. In addition, musical videos illustrate children thirsty from time to time under the blazing sun. Unfortunately, the State hardly finds a resolution although symposia and conferences are organized. Likewise for the Dahalo phenomenon. Unfortunately, the southern part is sadly famous because of the incessant flight of zebus. The inhabitants can hardly exercise their pastoral activity since this phenomenon has taken another dimension, much more important than we imagine …
Tsimihety migration
In the past, this human group went where the wind led it. Migrant since the Tsimihety, according to the writings of historians, only experienced sedentarization until the end of the 1920s. Indeed, this historical route was transmitted by the song. On their traditional rhythm, Antosy, they sing by tracing their trajectory to the land of welcome. This is how the artists of the young generation interpret the words of their ancestors, “Te-Hody”.
To the north, it’s the party
Gâté by nature, northerners lack nothing. Born in a heavenly place, they always have a jovial air. Under the coconut palms, they grill fresh fish and beef. They gain weight because they do not know the lean cow period. In addition, the northern part of the Grande-Île is a tourist destination. Far from everyday worries, foreign visitors have fun with the natives, which will naturally be the custom of their following. As a result, local residents often find pretexts to drink a little with friends. So it is not surprising that the word “atmosphere” is integrated into song texts …
The capital … commitment
The city of a thousand is the center of gravity of political life in Madagascar. Place of pile up of ideas, Antananarivo exposes societal problems in his art. Being opinion leaders, the artists line up alongside the protesters. Hence the birth of “Vazo Mingity”.