The official results of the municipal elections were declared by the administrative courts of the provincial capitals. Of course, the newly elected mayors are delighted. Finally, they will be able to sit at city hall for 4 years.
“Chief magistrate of the city” sounds good. However, this function requires will and self-sacrifice. However, the elected officials are still in the clouds. They can’t believe it… Feasts and feasts are organized almost everywhere. Besides, it is the custom, watering. Friends and close collaborators are invited to empty a forest of bottles of champagne, whiskey and beer. The “congratulations, Mr. Mayor” move them. Furthermore, they sometimes become paranoid and suspicious of their own guests. Megalomania manifests itself from day one.
Maire is a homonym of mother, a “central figure” of life in the home. So, the first municipal officer, although he is often a man, plays almost this same role but in a fairly broad way. He’s the boss. Here again, the word leader makes you superior. He is in a way the boss of fokontany presidents. He has something to brag about…
For its part, the regime in place is doing everything possible to ensure that the scarf bearer is on their side, or even a member of the party, a strategy that dates back to colonization. Should we remember that on October 11, 1959, Francis Sautron, elected mayor of Diego-Suarez under the color of the AKFM, was not recognized by the administration of the time! Which still did not shake his conviction. On the contrary, he triumphed more and was able to remain at the head of the town hall of the town of Varatraza until 1964. It seems that this procedure persists despite time. History repeats itself, they say, it’s the characters who change. Unequivocally, Malagasy political culture has hardly changed. She’s frozen!
In short, the periods follow one another, but the Malagasy always have this feeling of déjà vu. The downward spiral never stops. A vicious circle that stuns them, a labyrinth with no way out!
Iss Heridiny
The post History of municipal elections: Malagasy uchronie first appeared on Midi Madagasikara.
The article History of municipal elections: Malagasy uchrony appeared first on Midi Madagasikara.