All music leads to the cash register : The second phase of “ Mozika an-dalambe » will be held today from 11 a.m. at Carrefour Ankorondrano. “ A gesture to restore hope and dignity to beggars » proclaims the slogan of this event. Not far from the major shops on this axis, also to attract the “ flouze » during these festive periods, several artists will take turns to attract customers, Kevin & H-Man, Teddy Rakotondrajo, Doozy, Silo, Mashmanjaka, The Revery, Eklyps, Steph Rambi and others.

Letter writer and Eklyps at Craam : Craam Ankatso concludes its year with a concert by Eklyps and Epistolier today at 4 p.m. Two rappers from the same generation, promoting the revival of rap between 2000 and 2010. The two boys of rhymes advocate texts especially with the values of raising awareness among young people, positive mentality, liberating conformism… Amateurs and Lovers of music that is a barometer of the university and active youth of the moment can take a tour and discover what is best in the field.

A bit of Revery: The rock group The Revery seems to be on all fronts at the end of 2024. This weekend, they are on several stages in the capital including this concert at Madagascar Underground Antsahavola at 3 p.m. The title of this meeting says it all, “Alina” even if it begins in broad daylight, named after their latest album officially released on December 8. The Revery’s music runs the gamut from jazz to soul to pop to tsapiky, almost a little bit of everything the urban audience’s ear has been craving for some time.

“Kou de rock #1” : Four groups to discover or enjoy, namely Grey, The Revery, Dimyz and Aloo at Kudeta Anosy at 3 p.m. Without wanting to exaggerate, rock and indie are hot, boiling across the capital’s stages in these last days of 2024. And nothing but the best. Enough to have prospects for the new year, unless the economic situation of the country and purchasing power get involved. These four groups have already earned their milestones in the demanding, sometimes pedantic on this point, environment of Malagasy rock.

Mage 4 and Kiaka on display : Two Malagasy rock legends at the Balançoire Ivandry this afternoon from 4 p.m., Mage 4 and Kiaka. It’s probably that these two groups find themselves on the same poster. But that’s not the point, this moment will be simply unique. Kiaka, who popularized rock/hard rock in the country through his songs like “Ilay mahantra” and others, a few years after national television started broadcasting in colors. Mage 4 is much more recent, but has managed to climb into the top 20 of the best Malagasy rock groups.

“Old school” rap on the menu“ Okay live » it’s a little trip back in time to Tananarivian rap with groups like Buddha El Taga, Ben J, Takodah sy Nga Be, Big Jim Dah, Doublenn and Psykopasy at Cci Ivato at noon. There’s going to be a car show. old young timer ”, quite a concept. Enough to rekindle a nostalgia for the good times of the 90s. On the stage side, cantors like Takodah sy Nga Be are well worth being present on site. Without forgetting Big Jim Dah and his particular flow, and Ben J, member of the group Da Hopp, a beautiful scene overall.

Rootsikalo at Swing : For an atmosphere outside the hubbub of the city center, Le Swing Ambohidratrimo is an option not to be overlooked, from 8 p.m. with Rootsikalo. A little reggae, roots, some interpretations and other musical skills of his own, this artist has been particularly in demand in recent months. It’s been a long time since he proved himself and became one of the figures of Tananarivian reggae. “ Tsy tandrify “, ” Tsio-drivotra », some of his songs were well received by the Malagasy public and on social networks.

Rolf at the last turn
Cabarets and bar-rooms can do well for this last weekend of this year, Chez Baba Isoraka welcomes Malagasy bassist-hero Rolf tonight at 7:30 p.m. This author/composer, one of the most optimistic about the fate of Madagascar, is making his way, willy-nilly. He managed to line up more than fifteen concerts this year. A true genius with the “four strings”, titles always ahead of his time in musical approaches and transcendent interpretations.
Maminirina Rado
The post Weekend Guide first appeared on Midi Madagasikara.
The Weekend Guide article appeared first on Midi Madagasikara.