Green at Soa Feeling
Soa Feeling Ambohimangakely features the group Green today at 3 p.m. No need to introduce this pioneering rockband born on the heights of Tananarive. “Nilaozany“, “Fiainam-baovao» and other songs made the heyday of this legendary group. Born in Ambondrona, where almost all the capital’s rock groups formed their school, in a house with a green veranda, hence the name of the band “Green“. Then the years followed one another, but the wheel never took any slack.

“Revy Lôlô sy ny tariny”
THE ” Revy Lôlô sy ny tariny » will never end thanks to Bebey, Benny and Nini Kolibera, the trio meets at the end of the afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Noor Tower Ambohitrarahaba. Clearly, there is a growing trend in the capital to move show times forward. THE ” feeling » of the night has been a bit restrictive lately with insecurity, rain and so many other risks. A ” Revy Lôlô sy ny tariny “, however, do not refuse, it is one of the most avant-garde acoustic variety groups.

Spirity and Valahara at 44 Bistrot
Spirity and Valahara, names that make you want to go out and drink like crazy and inhale some revolutionary vapors, will be on show at 44 Bistrot Tsaralalàna this evening at 8 p.m. According to the organization, it will be “Valahara and its symphonic metal, alongside Spirity, a fan of thrash and heavy metal. These two groups join forces for a show that will leave you speechless. Whether you’re a fan of classic riffs or powerful sounds, this evening is the perfect opportunity…»

Screening of “Victoire Rasoamanarivo”
The feature film “Victoire Rasoamanarivo” will be screened today from 10 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. in the work room of the Analamahitsy Catholic Church. Born in 1848, she died just before the French colonists occupied Madagascar. His journey is seen by the Catholic flock as an example of fidelity and unfailing faith. Daughter of the Tananarivian nobility, she was also protected by her status, otherwise she would have otherwise ended up in a country quite recalcitrant to a religion imported from elsewhere.

Same tempo for “Kalo gasy”
“ Kalo gasy… Iray fitempo », the program promises to be nostalgic for the good old days with the Miray Kalo and Zandry Gasy ensemble at the Ivandry Arena from 2:30 p.m. on Sunday. It’s simple, there will be no interpretations of Raouto or Sisca, we will have to plunge back into the past century with these high-flying performers. Led by Mbola Talenta, one of the best guitarists of his generation, Zandry Gasy is a reference in the acoustic variety. While Miray Kalo is recognized for his musical accuracy.

The trio of stars at the CCI
What could be better for this Sunday than a concert with Rija Ramanantoanina, Silo and Fanja Andriamanantena from 3 p.m. in the amphitheater room of the CCI Ivato. In the middle of the afternoon, on a Sunday, retirees will be well spoiled. Ultra polished music, the virtuosity of Silo combined with the vocal dexterity of Rija Ramanantoanina and the immense experience of Fanja Andriamanantena, the ideal cocktail on a repertoire spanning the decades. The trio performing a “ Rimo rimo » would be particularly interesting.

Suspense in “comeback”
There was a time when the local variety scene tried its hand at the phenomenon “boy band”, a band of handsome singing kids straight from the “States” useful only to titillate schoolgirls in adolescent crisis. To stand out, a group of Malagasy girls Suspens was formed and will announce their comeback tomorrow at 4 p.m. at Cabane Andavamamba. THE girl band is made up of three girls, today half-moms still in the spirit of their former youth. Suspense managed to release some hits.
Maminirina Rado
The post Weekend Guide first appeared on Midi Madagasikara.
The Weekend Guide article appeared first on Midi Madagasikara.