Award -winning “women” in February. In February, three women distinguished on social networks deserve Malagasy prices of resilience, courage, perseverance. The first is awarded to the “hungry of the cornice” in Majunga. It was found in the brush, in a state of “kere”. Not that overlooked to coat the donors, of super thin children but the facies still alive. She had literally the skin on the bones, the look lost in her pain, a remaining unexpected life. She lived like a pariah, buried in an incommensable greenery for a picnic. The price of the “nobility of the soul” is awarded to the city of Majunga, its solidarity, its mercy and especially its humanity. Dozens of people mobilized to save the “hungry from the cornice”. The second prize returns to the “deaf and silent granny”. “” It is often found in the vicinity of the 67 ha, Ambodin’isotry, Anosizato “Says a surfer. Its history upsets all the clichés, which have become the litany of ” superior beings »Facebookiens and Facebookiennes. It is living proof that the Malagasy have a love of life that many envy, incomprehensible for a stranger. The Internet user says, “ She has neither husband nor child. She lives her life alone. She sells apples, popcorn, small donuts and cookies to live ». “Sourde and silent granny” has only her smile to express her joy and who knows to hide her fears. An inexhaustible smile recognizes the “facebookeuse”. The price of the steel mind is awarded to him. And finally, Narindraniaina Ranivoarivony, the mayor of Mangataboahangy Ambatofinandrahana shot down by bullets just after her official installation. Known, according to Facebook, to be a fighter and a patriot, jealous of the well-being of the community, his election signed his death warrant. Languages are dismissed on social networks, notables are announced to be in the blow. Arrests have already taken place, however Internet users are ruthless. “” The two subfifres were killed, to silence them or for what reason? Find it or the main sponsors, otherwise we can speak of complicity at all levels “, Save a” facebook ». The posthumous price of Martyrus, in Narindraniaina Ranivoarivony.
Maminirina Rado