Malgasy Mankany (2009) - Directed by Haminiaina Ratovoarivony

Malgasy Mankany (2009) – Directed by Haminiaina Ratovoarivony

Dive into the world of Malgasy Mankany Combining social reality and endearing characters, the film Malgasy Mankany takes us to the luminous shores of Madagascar before plunging us into the urban excitement of Paris. Released in 2009, this poignant film was directed by the illustrious Haminiaina Ratovoarivony, an emblematic figure of Malagasy cinema. Haminiaina Ratovoarivony:…

Ilo Tsy Very (2010) - A film by Luck Razanajaona on climate change and its impact on the Malagasy people

Ilo Tsy Very (2010) – A film by Luck Razanajaona on climate change and its impact on the Malagasy people

Climate Change in Madagascar: A Call to Action through the Film Ilo Tsy Very In 2010, Malagasy director Luck Razanajaona captivated audiences with his film “Ilo Tsy Very”. This moving feature film deals with the human and environmental impact of climate change in Madagascar. This article will explore the main themes of the film and…

Traveling to Madagascar: What to put in your travel bag?

Traveling to Madagascar: What to put in your travel bag?

Madagascar, often nicknamed “the red island”, remains one of the most underrated gems in the Indian Ocean. With his breathtaking landscapesranging from tropical rainforests to arid deserts, its fine sandy beaches bordered by turquoise water, its fauna and flora that defy the imagination, without forgetting a rich culture and living traditions, Madagascar promises a unforgettable…
