Tourism is located at 3e position in terms of sector providing foreign currency to the nation after the export of nickel and cobalt as well as free zones.
“ Following the tourist arrivals recorded last year, i.e. 259,850 people, the revenue recorded amounts to more than 534 million euros “. The Minister of Tourism and Crafts Joël Randriamandranto announced this during a press conference yesterday at his premises in Tsimbazaza. “ We have revised the statistics by only counting international travelers who have applied for an entry visa to Madagascar and by including the Malagasy diaspora who come to the country for tourism. This figure is significantly close to the level of 2019, which was the best performing year with approximately 306,000 real tourists recorded. There has been an increase in the number of travelers from Eastern Europe, reaching 20,000 tourists last year compared to 6,000 tourists in 2019 “, he added. In addition to promoting the destination via around twenty international magazines, at least 200 issuing tour operators were on educational tours in Madagascar to commit to selling it on the international market.
800 registered operators. In the process, the reception capacity of the Big Island continues to improve since 263 accommodation and catering establishments obtained their opening authorization last year, not counting the 92 licenses issued to players working in the sector. “ The ministry is also campaigning for good governance of this foreign exchange-producing sector by setting up a self-census platform for all stakeholders. Nearly 800 operators have currently registered. These are car rental companies, restaurateurs, hoteliers, guides, tour operators, travel agencies and many other tourist providers. », said the responsible minister. For the craft sector, more than 31.9 million euros in revenue were recorded last year with 3,376 handmade certificates issued. Speaking about its outlook for 2024, “ We are going to invite 500 issuing tour operators to come to Madagascar as part of the eductours. They will participate in the 10e edition of the International Tourism Fair which will coincide with the 1era edition of the International Handicraft Fair-Madagascar from June 20 to 23, 2024 at the CCI Ivato. It will be a great challenge facilitating outlets for artisanal products, especially since the exhibitors will be real artisans. “, he continued.
13 projects to complete. Furthermore, the Minister of Tourism and Crafts, Joël Randriamandranto, delivered the 13 projects that he is committed to carrying out in 100 days. He explains: “ We are going to educate 300 young high school students about tourism careers because it is also a sector that provides jobs. At least 4,000 tourism agents will be trained in English and French and guide professions with the PIC project. A map of the raw materials used by artisans will be established for at least three promising sectors while classifying the most exported artisanal products with their respective quantities. In addition, professional cards will be distributed to 1,000 formal artisans. Still for the benefit of crafts, a purchasing center will be set up, starting with zebu horns. This will be managed by a private sector following the launch of a call for expressions of interest. The monthly or annual needs of artisans will also be identified in order to build up stocks of raw materials at this purchasing center. That’s not all! The State will set up a Trades City in Ivato. This is a shopping center dedicated to artisans. The operator, responsible for the construction of this infrastructure, will be known within 100 days. Design and quality training for craftsmen is also among our priorities”concluded the responsible minister.
Antsa R.