This year, World AIDS Day was celebrated in Antsiranana on Sunday, December 1. Between Sunday prayer and awareness raising, the actors were rinsed by the rain. Blessing or purification, only God knows. The town of Varatraza is declared a red zone. A global statistic by which health workers advance although the exact figures are hardly published.
AIDS, this sexually transmitted disease, persists. However, many people consider this dangerous pathology non-existent. As a result, it is very difficult for doctors to convince their fellow citizens to take a screening test. So the fight against HIV requires courage on the part of doctors.
Six days later, the Catholic Church will celebrate the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. A solemnity not to be missed when you are a candidate for municipal elections. An opportunity to go to church, just for the sake of it. The next day will be the last day of the electoral campaign, a faradoboka worthy of a surprise party since the 1,695 municipalities of the country will do everything to win the hearts of the population. Surely, most will take out the little they have in their little wallets. On December 10, electoral silence, calm before the hubbub of supporters during the counting of votes from 6 p.m. Logically, the “provisional winner” organizes a procession with his convinced followers. As for the losers, they will file a complaint to accuse their victorious competitors of transgressing electoral law. Hopefully the famous “Azo raisina fa tsy mitombona” – “admissible but without foundation” still springs from the mouth of the President of the High Constitutional Court. Of course, the subject of municipal elections will always be discussed until the inauguration of elected officials. They will spend happy Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year holidays with their family and loved ones, while the losers hold their heads counting the heavy expenses, even the enormous debt!
And what about the Malagasy people? Some people spend their lives taking stock. 2024 seems like a stagnant year for others. Living below the poverty line, the Malagasy people still try to climb. Unfortunately the weight of the burden prevents them from gaining altitude… The civil servants in faded shirts can’t wait to see the President of the Republic on their small screen next December 31, not for the retrospective, but for the declaration of increase salary. Let’s hope he doesn’t take with his left hand what he gave with his right hand!
Iss Heridiny