Rossy was in total communion with the public by offering a masterful performance of which only he has the secret.
Everyone left satisfied. Once again, ConceptLive kept its promises and confirmed its reputation by offering an exceptional evening on New Year’s Eve on December 31, at the La Lune d’Or venue in Paris. The concept “ Tapolaka Glady » with the entire Rossy group took on all the challenges, attracting fans of the artist as well as regulars of events organized by ConceptLive. In a prestigious setting, complete with an all-you-can-eat buffet highlighting Malagasy gastronomy, the public was amazed by a high-level performance. “I am delighted that the public responded en masse. Our goal is to guarantee the satisfaction of our guests, by offering a service that meets their expectations. As always, we offer a classy experience, because Malagasy people deserve the best said Nirina from ConceptLive.

Rossy masterful. The Rossy group, accompanied by its talented musicians, dancers and backing vocalists, transported the audience into a magical atmosphere. The group’s triumphant entry under a fanfare of ” Bapampa » immediately electrified the room. The delighted spectators accompanied the group from the moment they descended the stairs to the stage. The evening began with “ Mbarakaly » before revisiting Rossy’s greatest hits: ” Ia o “, ” Kiala Soa “, ” Lambahoany », « Mbola ho avy izy», « Hafatra ” And ” Any Malala “. At midnight, after the countdown, the audience welcomed 2025 by singing “Raiso an-kafaliana” with the artist. On stage, Rossy expressed his joy at finding his loyal audience: “For some time now, I have felt a real communion with my fans, and our performances are always sold out. » Fanja, an unconditional admirer, shared her enthusiasm: “Seeing Rossy in full force in Paris for New Year’s Eve is unique. I couldn’t miss this event, especially knowing the quality of ConceptLive’s organizations. » Young and old, everyone found what they were looking for during this memorable evening. “We had wanted to collaborate with Rossy for a while, and this year, the project came to fruition. The evening kept all its promises, and the public is the best judge.”continued Nirina from ConceptLive. Specialist in event organization, ConceptLive manages every detail of its events, from decoration to sound system, including light shows, giant screens and catering service. Since its first New Year’s Eve party organized in 2011 at the Pyramides, with Jessy Matadore, Henri Ratsimbazafy and Tahiry de Ndondolah, ConceptLive has continued to surpass itself. The organizer has been able to repeat its successes, always in collaboration with exceptional artists. To end Rossy’s European tour in style, ConceptLive is meeting on January 25 at Le Millénaire for one last “Tapolaka Glady”.