Discreetly but surely, Malagasy literature has a good succession, especially women like Mampianina Randria, one of the surprises of the “Gift Ideas Salon” at Ibis Ankorondrano. A Saturday for children’s literature.
The weather was mild with the “ Living room gift ideas » at the Ibis Ankorondrano hotel, Saturday afternoon. Time to discover the stand of the booksellers association and the good health of Malagasy children’s publishing, with authors off the beaten track. Among them, Mampianina Randria with her modern bilingual tale (Malagasy translation by Roel Ranarivelo) “ Ikalamara » published by Karné. She addresses Mavo’s initiatory journey. A ” little girl trying to understand the world through colors », Reveals the author. The little heroine thus sets off to discover the world, her world, rich in nuances. Between wonder and the sometimes painful confrontation with reality, its reality. “ At first, she didn’t accept herself as a girl of color “. Throughout his discoveries, “ she finally accepts who she is. And it’s a whole new world, of cultural diversity, of cultural richness that evolves through his gaze. “ It’s a children’s album because it is accompanied by illustrations by the brilliant Ef », Supports Mampianina Randria. The latter had the flair, in a simple and introspective writing style, to integrate the Malagasy symbolism of colors thanks to a particular structure of the text. “One paragraph, one color”. With her creativity, the writer is now expected for great novels. Mampianina Randria is part of the country’s new generation of authors. During the Francophonie summit in 2016 in Madagascar, she provided her first writings to the “short story writing competition”. She quickly found her bearings in the world of books. 2017, member of the organization of literary workshops and events across the country. The young woman is involved in causes linked to the right to education, information “and above all respect for cultural diversity”. Today, his work is linked to an international cooperation organization via a communications agency. During all this time, she has already published among other things “ Exiled in the bush » for the collection « Francophonie: meeting grounds » (2017); “ The detonator ”, for the collection “ That day » (2021) published by Pangolin and translated into Portuguese; or again, “ Eternally she » » (2021), a short story in Letters from Lemuria. From the same publisher, Karné, the tale “ We must defeat Trimobe » by Andrea Razafi was also presented alongside « Ikalamara “.
Maminirina Rado