ANDRIANARISEHENO Bruno Fréderic (nicknamed BIM)

Bim’ s versatility is simply phenomenal. He was born with music, culture and travel in his blood.

One of the highly respected Malagasy percussionists and music perfomers, ANDRIANARISEHENO Bruno Fréderic (nicknamed BIM) has worked with local and international musicians and singers and has traveled extensively around the world thanks to his amazing talents and inspirations.

Also, with his very good command of English and French, Bim had the huge oppotunity to teach music at the American school and the French high school in Antananarivo for many years.

ANDRIANARISEHENO Bruno Fréderic has put his passionate interest in wildlife and plantlife and has led numerable trips throughout Madagascar. His personable and humourous style of tour guiding along with his good grasp of history and biodiversity has made him one of the key tour guides in Awesome Madagascar Tours.