Take out the real figures
With “if”, redoing a world is easy. If it was enough to draw up the statistics of this surge in insecurity and violence on the country, from Tamatave to Majunga, from Tananariva to Diego – Suaarez whose return of the foroches would be imminent. In the big cities alone, Madagascar looks like a beautiful cake, creamy, sweet and enticing, except that the dough is made of blood and fresh viscera. To have a precise idea, then find avenues to fight this insecurity, nothing better than the figures. What social background come these offenders and murderers? What are their monthly income? Do they have fixed jobs? To believe the images on Facebook, the answers flow from source. With figures, the problem of insecurity would then become political and no longer individualized. Due to the frequency of acts of banditry and current squander, would it be possible to draw up useful encrypted assessments? They could even orient several policies. Apart from the results to the “rambo” of the number of arrests and neutralized individuals. If the majority of bandits are unemployed or small hands at the wages of misery, there may be a job policy to review. If it is made up of out of school, perhaps a policy of teaching to recalibrate. If the motivation of most of these “bad guys” was simply food, perhaps finding rapid and lasting solutions to the high cost of life is necessary. In some countries, it is still possible. Statistics that really help society. In appearance, insecurity in Madagascar is a hydra. By cutting a head, ten others grow back. International phenomenon, Islamist terrorist groups, Latin gangs … recruit their broken arms in disadvantaged neighborhoods. An inexhaustible pool of influencing young people, where hatred and the price of blood are essential values. Is this insecurity on the Big Island also socio-logalized? According to criminology, the violence of acts reflects the level of hatred in an individual. A stab is different from ten or twenty. The “Facebook” video of the murder of poor Tahina Randriamahefa in Tamatave gives the level of this collective animosity. Instead of deciding on “mentality changes”, “jealous Malagasy”, etc. It’s time to really see reality, get the numbers out.
Maminirina Rado
The post they made the buzz… First appeared on Midi Madagasikara.
The article they made the buzz… appeared first at noon Madagasikara.