The secrets of silence, is a poignant book written by a Malagasy established in France. He tackles delicate and topical subjects in Madagascar.
It is a vibrant testimony of what her author, Holly Sue, lived. Incest, alcohol, drugs, money, violence, love, faith are mentioned.
“” If I chose to testify, it is to offer a little light and revive hope among those who need it “, She explains about this 440-page book that could be read in one go.
She took fifteen years before daring to talk about the violence she suffered and it was still very painful for her at the time. And it took him about fifteen years to be able to sleep on paper. But the author specifies that this book completely helped her get back on his feet, when she was still 75% of her healing process when she started writing it.
“” I wrote this book for my children who are not yet aware, but I will make them read when they reach their majority She adds.
His story marked by a childhood in which violence in all its forms, paranormal phenomena but also moments of joy are intertwined, will surely upset the reader.
Through this book, she would like to protect all the children in the world from attacks and violence, including incest. But the author also wishes to change the people’s gaze on victims of violence, bring them to put themselves in the place of children who suffer these horrors. She noticed the relentlessness of part of public opinion to judge the victims of incest or rape, even making them responsible for the assault and violence they undergo. This makes it difficult to make any healing process difficult or impossible for these victims who see their future completely destroyed.
Through her testimony, she wishes to encourage mothers and families to always protect children victims, even if it means lifting a veil of dishonor on their private life. But what she would especially like is that the victims of violence and assault dare to denounce this violence and demonstrate them that it is possible to get up, as is the case for her.
Hollie Sue does not wish to take advantage of this testimony, that is why she makes her work available to everyone, free of charge, in free diverting on the link Les-Secrets-du-Salence
Books in paper version will be printed only on demand at Hachette.
Hanitra Andria