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Pretty Friday – Midi Madagasikara

Pretty Friday - Midi Madagasikara

In trio ambohimangakely :: “Hirahira Sy Mozika” with Nanie

A voice, a legend, Nanie continues the Malagasy evenings and tonight, the singer will be at the Trio Ambohimangakely. So make way for the “Hirahira Sy Mozika” cabaret. Musicans will have enough to rejoice. With Fagniry & Friends on the same scene in the same stride, the atmosphere promises to be musical and summer.

City Ivandry :: Nostalgic evening with Lola

Before the big show, Lola will find the Tananarivian night owls at City Ivandry. It is a nostalgic evening that he intends to revive his fans. Thus, the interpreter of “Nadety” will therefore be in a more intimate evening than usual. Between his best known titles like “Tiako Loatra”, “Rahoviana”, “Ny Vehivavy” … The repertoire will plunge its guests into the golden age of variety music of Lola.

Coffee pepper :: Inah, Batata, Benny and Mbola Talenta showing

Inah, this is this powerful and bewitching sensual voice. On the poster for the Beoririka Coffee Pepper tonight, the singer will be surrounded by Batata d’Iraimbilanja, Benny de Lolo Sy Ny Tariny and Mbola Talenta de Feo Gasy. A shock team for popular music and a good -natured atmosphere looming on the horizon.

Jao’s Pub AmboHipo :: Happy birthday in Lego

And one more year for Lego. To celebrate as it should be his birthday, Lego will be on stage in the den of the King of Salegy. The Jao’s Pub AmboHipo will vibrate to the rhythms of the good “Birizity” via “Tsy Hitany Ny Haratsiany” and the essential “Dadilahy”. Always armed with his accordion, the artist will set the tone for this umpteenth candle to the clock.

City of Antaninarenina cultures :: The poetry of the 4 horizons

Vers and proses profusely at the Cité des cultures Antaninarenina. Tonight, Slameurs and poets of all -rounds will weave the poetic canvas according to words and emotions for a call for peace and a call for youth. The relay of the poetic flame in Madagascar will also take place before continuing its journey in other regions. An evening of sharing and artistic meetings on the horizon.

At Papa Isoraka :: Urban evening with Mopcaan and Tanjona

A little prodigy of the Davalt Records stable, the young Mopca is experiencing a meteoric ascent in the world of Malagasy showbiz. Tonight, the singer will make the regulars of Papa Isoraka dance. The interpreter of “Anao Tômpony” will spread his musical fan throughout the evening. Between the “infinite”, “Follow Me”, “Tsy Indroa Magnitry” … The evening promises to be festive all the more since it will share the scene with Tanjona, another singer of his ilk.

Zo Toniaina

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