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Portrait: Kim Jah, an artist with a double cap

Portrait: Kim Jah, an artist with a double cap

Fetramandimbisoa Mamy Fitiavana Randriamihaja and his wife when the IST “Kintana” promotion was released in mid-January.

At 27, life has spoiled Fetramandimbisoa Mamy Fitiavana Randriamihaja, better known by her stage name: Kim Jah. Dream musical career, loving family and engineering diploma in pocket, portrait of a simple young person today.

The Z generation is not as alarming as the goods – sketches that are believed to be, still hoping for the resurrection of Edith Piaf or Maradona. “” My loved ones know my passion for studies », Recognizes Fetramandimbisoa Mamy Fitiavana Randriamihaja. Kim Jah for the scene, of the Promotion of Agrad & Skaiz, Tsôta and other products for playgrounds and semi-salt of the Gasy’Ploit label campaigns, has just obtained its engineering diploma after years of curriculum at the ‘Ampasapito Higher Institute of Technology, a national reference. Which allows him to ” Create a development project, make politics, clean policy not like with us (laughs), I can also work for international organizations, analyze the creation of a new city “, He lists. He is one of the few to have this diploma in Madagascar, because only this renowned institute issues this training. He has a woman, a child, a musical career that can save in difficult times, a notoriety to manage, studies to succeed, you had to know how to juggle. He has no secret boot, except to do everything with passion. “” I like the three: family, studies and music “, Profits Kim Jah. His parents followed the adage to the letter: ” Studies are the best heritage “, Without ever dropping or forcing the young man. While on the music side, “ I never thought she would be a spare wheel, she will live forever by my side, whether I have money or not He says. Thanks to music, he was able to sing with Jaojoby Eusebius on ” Vali-Babena “With Kristel, the Malagasy pop-rock group that is a hit in Europe, on” Wait for me ». Just an overview of the musical heritage he can already leave in case his diploma calls him for development missions, he loves this word, from Madagascar or elsewhere. Born a day in 1998, in Antsirabe, Fetramandimbisoa Mamy Fitiavana Randriamihaja followed the typical course: Public primary school (EPP), General Education College (CEG), Lycée with technical bacc and finally a national university course. Of the gray matter “made in Madagascar” so to speak. Despite an education sector relegated to the third area, which throws in the towel, young people still want to believe in their destiny. Kim Jah is one of them. “” Study as long as you have the means He says. Before adding. “” Otherwise look for money with the way you feel just if you can no longer continue your studies ». Taxpayer faith, no room for wait -and -see. The big challenge begins for him, it is a question of valuing his knowledge. Always with full dreams, whether in music, for his family or for his professional career, “ You have to dare to dream “Concludes Fetramandimbisoa Mamy Fitiavana Randriamihaja. He proves that “Malagasy knowledge” still exists, that the Z generation is trying to save furniture. On his musical news, Kim Jah is not a talkative. The horizons widen, new challenges await this engineer in “regional planning and town planning”.

Maminirina Rado

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