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Cultural world: Those who left in 2024

Music: Artists on tour

They all accomplished their mission. We wanted them to stay, but fate chose otherwise. Talented musicians, message-bearing singers, cultural activists, and far-sighted scholars. They left a big void…


During his lifetime, drummer of the group Rossy, Toto Mwandjani, Kaiamba as well as Mima, he bowed out in February 2024 at the age of 47, yet some singers still wanted to collaborate with him. Destiny chose otherwise, unfortunately. However, he left behind works.


His death brought tears as much as ink to the written press journalists. His voice rocked a generation. She preached love and tenderness. A leading figure in the Milananto rhythm, Lalie has now put down the microphone forever since April 27, 2024.

# Xhi

Guy Rajaofetra at the civil registry is a great gentleman. It was art that chose him. He observed his homeland through cosmic glasses. To say that he had his own vision, a different perspective. His Madagascar was the original and original. Painter, musician, lyricist, analyst, Xhi brings together various arts in his own right. Sadly, on May 7, 2024, the monument collapsed.


He was an outstanding guitarist. A virtuoso who mastered all rhythms, from jazz to salegy. A victim of kidney failure since 2022, he fought until his last breath because after giving a concert, he passed away.

#Françoise Raison Jourde

The French historian, but Malagasy by adoption, devoted her life to the history of Madagascar. Her writings also inspired young researchers, although unfortunately they did not have the chance to meet her. Yes, she not only put forward ideas that provoked increased reflection, but she also had an ultra-sharp pen. In addition, she had the privilege of teaching in Madagascar (1965-1973).

#Erica Rakotomalala

She died on July 26, 2024 in France. This native of Nosy-Be is known for her graphic pieces like Mandeh tomobily. Proud of his origin, she even wrote a song for him.

#Simon Randria

Composer and music lover, he made everyone agree during his lifetime. His listeners found it difficult to believe in his disappearance on Saturday August 10, 2024. The man passes, but his story remains….


On August 14, 2024, the co-founder of the legendary group Rebika passed away at the age of 60. A huge loss! The one who rocked the 1990 generation joins the eternal. However, his works will remain forever in the memory and hearts of his believers.

#Serge Henri Rodin

This remarkable scholar passed away on September 18, 2024. A visionary, free thinker and cultural activist, he inspired thousands of students. “ This gentleman is irreplaceable », said one of them with wet eyes.

#Hand Hand

The guitarist-bassist bowed out on September 5, 2024. Fans remember his songs “Soava dia”, “Manimanigny”, “Maresaka niany”, and even “Tsy mahangôma”. The artist showed his expertise by transporting his followers. From folk to salegy to world & country, Main-Main has introduced a musical world of its own.

#Flash B

The microcosm of the Malagasy music scene could not believe it. The singer of “Fôsy Joker” passed away in Befandriana-Avaratra on Thursday October 17, 2024 when she had just turned 29. She had a hectic life…

#Abel Michel Rabehanta

He had a sharp look. Malagasy society inspired him so much. This communications man turned his back on December 17, 2024.

Iss Heridiny

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