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Art: The works depend on the circumstance

Art: The works depend on the circumstance

Art has taken a prominent place in the life of Malagasy society since the start of 2024. Decadent for some, an instrument of commitment for others. It is undeniable that these performances amazed the public. Its entertaining side amazes a population plunged into extreme poverty. Worries go away when you attend electric festivities like Somaroho, Dona-Be or Tria-tria. The Malagasy people were also able to learn a lesson thanks to the dedication of the Shyn-Denise couple who clung to their dream with perseverance. The conviction of Ambondrona, the temerity of Jaojoby, the inexhaustible energy of Henry Ratsimbazafy are examples to follow… Art is not limited to music. He composes the steps of Chacha and Michelle Ange, sharpens Nino Pillar’s pencils as he sharpens Michèle Rakotoson’s pen, brushes Zouzar’s canvas, directs the lens of Pierrot Men… Inspiration is the fuel! She generates creative ideas depending on the circumstances. Precisely, 2024 was a trigger year, if we can express it that way. Administrative slowness, load shedding, water cuts, the verbiage of election candidates, the madness of grandeur as well as the crazy spending of leaders stimulate talent. In addition, social networks, in this case Facebook, are dissemination instruments. Consequently, the works filling the news feed arouse the curiosity of the citizen. Influencers, too, have a way of conveying their message, like comedians. Strong in derision, they attack the stewards, either by imitating them or by putting themselves in the shoes of an onlooker victim. Frankly, these artistic styles irritate those concerned. Therefore, remaining indifferent is the only way to ease the conscience. On the other hand, if the production proves embarrassing, artists gravitating around power play the role of stooge. “Those who say there is no change are blind”they proclaim on stage during the inaugurations of the infrastructures. Most of these auxiliaries are singers. Moreover, the authorities have always valued music to the detriment of other art disciplines, the reason why other aesthetes become protesters. From another angle, state officials consider that the people have little notion of art, a fundamental error of the first category. In short, the artistic representations proposed by Malagasy geniuses depend on the context and the circumstance in the country. Since the socio-economic crisis has reached its peak in the last two years, artists are reporting the facts. Both subtle and crude, the works aim to encourage compatriots.

Iss Heridiny

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