Reptilians and political chameleons are those individuals who know how to adapt to any circumstance. Often, they are in their Sunday best. Versatile smooth talkers who quote biblical verses as well as quotes from the great people of yesteryear.

This modus operandi does not go back to yesterday. Since the time of kingdoms, personalities have subjugated nobles with the aim of remaining in the court. Their asset is this way of playing with words. This has existed since royalty. Hence the expression “ miova Andriana, miova sata ” literally another sovereign, another custom. “ Even at the beginning of colonization, it was the same officers of the former royal power who constituted a good part of the native officers of the colonial administration, for example », Expresses the young historian Alex Randriamahefa.
Clinging to power as long as possible is a gift but not a crime. Knowing how to follow the waves is also a talent. Dr Denis Alexandre Lahiniriko, another historian puts forward his opinion, “ Politics is the art of seizing opportunities, so Malagasy politicians are opportunists in principle… Changing sides is therefore in their blood. And questions of principle don’t outweigh the importance of being associated with power “. Therefore, those who are true to their beliefs are called extremists, misanthropes.

Thus, Malagasy political culture follows to the letter the famous adage “Customs sometimes change with kings”. Logically, the cult of personality is gaining more and more momentum, starting with the naming of the supreme leader: Filoha Hajainaor honorable president. Adored, the master distinguishes the sleeve rubs.
In the regions, things are even more interesting. State representatives ensure that “everything goes well”, even if local administration proves paralyzed. For their part, politicians seeking seats try to oust senior dignitaries with the intention of succeeding them. It is no wonder that public affairs are slowing down in the provinces…
In short, the political landscape in Madagascar is aesthetict polluted by the politicians themselves. Symbolic arrogance and violence seem to be effective strategies. There is hardly any substantive debate. What a lot of talk! A chameleonic political culture…
Iss Heridiny