The very first exhibition open in the hall of the French Alliance of Antananarivo (AFT), this year, is rather special. This is the exhibition “Artistic survival kit” by plastic artist David Hurstel.
David Hurstel is a French plastic artist. He is founder and artistic director of the Parliament of the Arts, an association which explores the interaction between art and society.
Initiated in 2003 in Strasbourg, this artistic approach has since gathered hundreds of artists and citizens around the world.
9 countries already visited
It is a traveling and interactive exhibition, which has already stopped in several countries such as France, the United Kingdom, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Palestinian territories, Mexico, Cuba and India.
Since yesterday, Madagascar has joined this adventure.
But what is it?
“” When a 15 cm2 box keeps our memories This is the slogan of this exhibition.
The artistic survival kit is therefore in the form of a small box containing elements deemed essential by its creator to ensure its mental, cultural and artistic survival. She answers the question: what would we take if we had to abandon everything, with the only baggage a small box?
About twenty of these boxes containing the essentials in the eyes of their designers are currently exposed to AFT. The exhibition will also be brought to the alliances of the regions, notably in Majunga and Diego.
Malagasy survival kits
But that’s not all, Malagasy artists from various horizons (painters, filmmakers, theater actresses, photographers, etc.), two associations that evolve in the education of children with art and reading and representatives of the public were invited to build their own survival kit.
Once formed, these Malagasy boxes will be exposed to AFT from March 15. Some of these boxes will join the traveling exhibition of David Hurstel. Next destination: Seoul.
But in the meantime, the public will be able to discover the survival kits of the 9 countries visited by the project until February 10.
Hanitra Andria